The implication that you're spending your money on designer clothes and fancy bvacations/b, rather than doing your duty by producing the next generation. Comments can no longer be added to this story. b....../b?For Russia, operation ? who is in charge of operation of Ukrainian gas transportation system ? is vital question because it affects directly its gas transit, so in this case at least they had to consult with Russia,? bMitrova/b told New Europe, adding that Russian gas ...
Similar to the whole "full quiver" thing. The implication that you're spending your money on designer clothes and fancy bvacations/b, rather than doing your duty by producing the next generation. Log in or register to leave a comment b....../b? For Russia, operation ? who is in charge of operation of Ukrainian gas transportation system ? is vital question because it affects directly its gas transit, so in this case at least they had to consult with Russia,? bMitrova/b told New b.../b
O altă cofetăreasă, Maria bMitrova/b, îşi aminteşte: ?La dropsuri, puneam într-un cazan mare toată masa de caramelă, care se fierbea pe o plită ţărănească, în care făceam focul cu cărbuni?. b..../b pe data de 1 martie 2009 se va deschide un magazin care va vinde exclusiv bomboanele bucuria...toate sortimentele numeste bucurii dulci si se afla in piata rosetii, str. radu cristian, nr, 6 (vizavi de bhotel/b banat). deschiderea oficiala cu reprezentantii bucuria din b.../b